RFID business needs analysis

Johannesburg, 26 Oct 2018

The importance of understanding more accurately what the customer requirement is, both from a short- and long-term perspective, is vitally important. In instances where the customer is fully conversant with the requirement, the process is accelerated; however, the advised approach is to conduct a business needs analysis (BNA).

The goal of the BNA is to provide for a solution that will produce benefits, positively impact business operations, and demonstrate long-term viability and short/medium-term return on investment (ROI).

The first step in developing a radio frequency identification (RFID) solution begins with defining the scope of the effort, identifying the operational objectives to be achieved, and reviewing the applicable business and technology options. Approaching the solution in a phased manner facilitates a lower risk technology adoption model in which the customer is in control of the risk and reward.

Backed by a combined total of more than 20 years of first-hand experience in RFID and related technology, the Synertech consultancy team provides a comprehensive range of expert RFID and IT consulting services based on disciplines such as business needs analysis, systems architecture, systems engineering, software programming and project management. These and other expert skills are harnessed to ensure the design and implementation of any solution meets specific operational requirements and business objectives set by the customer.

This Synertech service provides organisations with critical information needed to successfully implement or expand RFID solutions. Having the vision of how technology will improve their business is essential before deploying any solution.

This analysis is crucial to ensure all requirements are defined upfront in order to agree on the success factors of the complete project. It will provide visibility on the equipment to be used, software to be developed or customised, infrastructure required as well as the requirements for integration with current platforms.

Synertech has, for more than 15 years, been actively researching, developing, implementing and supporting various RFID applications. Its consultative approach will assist you to ensure that this analysis is performed correctly and provide you with the valuable insight required to turn an RFID initiative into a successful RFID experience.



Synertech's core business solution consists of the automation with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and ensures the provision of unique yet sustainable services and solutions harnessing a combination of technical, management, innovative, quality and entrepreneurial capabilities, including:

* RFID systems and solution engineering;
* Project management (RFID-related);
* Product support and upgrading;
* Software development;
* Manufacturing and integration of various components;
* Installation and commissioning of complete solutions; and
* Rapid ramp-up ability and flexibility to deliver any RFID project.

For more information: www.rfid.co.za.

Editorial contacts

Patrick Bauer
(+27) 010 350 5200